In Memory of Clarissa Rogers

I’m heartbroken to learn of the passing of Clarissa Rogers and of her struggle the past couple of years.

Many lifetimes ago, I lived in Philly as a clueless baby anarchist. That was where I met Clarissa. She was an exuberant, bighearted, loving, passionate person. She took me under her wing and guided me through the scene and its politics, helping me get involved in various organizing projects, or just enjoying a great meal together or an inevitable episode of The Simpsons.

I remember hanging out on the porch of Not Squat, discussing workplace organizing or reviewing something I wrote or getting gently but firmly critiqued on my hierarchical worldview and beliefs. I remember the reading groups at the A-Space. I remember her relentless commitment to abolition and supporting political prisoners. But more than anything, I remember her as a dear friend who through her words and deeds modeled anarchism and invited me into it and helped me grow.

Unfortunately, we lost touch over the years, but she will always have a place in my heart. She deserves so much more than a blog post, but that is what I can offer here. Long live Wacky Adventures! Long live Clarissa! Rest in power, friend. Thank you for everything.

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